The Purchase Order, once created and Approved from the SAP system, automatically Synchronizes to the       E-procurement portal notifying the vendor that he has received a new purchase order that requires his attention.

These Purchase orders come with the status Approved and the vendor is prompted to acknowledge receipt / accept the Purchase Order.  

The Purchase Order has 4 tiles showing the following: 

  • Total Purchase Order: This is the number of Purchase Orders till current date. 
  • Open Purchase Orders: This is the number of the Purchase Order that has been opened.  
  • Open Purchase Order Value: This is the value of of the Purchase Orders that are opened. 
  • Request Legacy Purchase Order: This is for purchase orders that have not been completed prior to 1st of Jan 2022. 

image 1.0 Landing screen upon clicking purchase order module. 

You can download the POs by clicking the download button marked with a red arrow in the image below.

image 1.1 the download button is marked with a red arrow

You can search for a PO by clicking on the filter button and filling the form in the image below. 

image 1.2 annotated is a pop-up screen to input filter fields 

image 1.3 pop-up screen after request legacy PO is clicked

You can track the POs' statuses directly from the Purchase Order module page. Each of them has status on the left side collected under the column "Status." 

image 1.4 purchase order log table

  • Draft: This status indicates that a purchase order has been created but yet to be sent for approval.
  • Pending: This status indicates that a purchase order has been created, confirmed and is pending approval.
  • Approved: This status indicates that the purchase order has been approved by the responsible party/parties. 
  • Out for delivery: This indicates that the supplier has initiated/commenced the delivery of the items in the PO. 
  • Delivered: The status indicates that an item or service has been delivered completely.
  • Partially Delivered: This Indicates that an item or service has been delivered partially.

1.5 Landing screen upon clicking any individual supplier purchase order log. 

There is an option to reverse the processed Purchase order. It is marked with a red arrow.