Through this module user can view all supplier goods receipt log, through which user can as well access detailed information on any individual supplier goods receipt. Goods receipts are synced from SAP into the E-Procurement platform.

There are 2 tiles on the Good Receipt module 

  • Open Receipts: The number of Goods Receipt that are open. 
  • Open Receipts Value: The value of Good Receipts that are open. 

image 1.0 landing screen when goods receipts module is clicked.

You can search for a Goods Receipt by searching with the filter displayed in the image below. 

image 1.1 pop-up screen when the filter button is clicked

The image below shows a good receipt view page. 

image 1.2 a screen that pops up when an individual line item is selected

Invoices can only be generated on completed GRs. 

A Goods Receipt can be reversed by clicking on the red button named "Reverse". It is marked with a red arrow in the image above.