Through the suppliers module, User can view 4 tiles showing: 

  • Registered Suppliers. 
  • Pending Approvals.
  • Blocked Supplier. 
  • Create Suppler. 

There is a supplier logs list with details showing; 

  • Legal Entity. 
  • Supplier Number. 
  • Supplier Name. 
  • Supplier Email.
  • Specialization. 
  • Status. 
  • Action. 
  • Transaction Master Data. 

User can view all suppliers transaction list by clicking on transactions. The user can also download supplier by clicking on the download button beside filters. It is marked with a red arrow.

image 1.0 Pop-up screen upon clicking Supplier module. Create supplier tile is marked with a red arrow.

image 1.1 landing page when transaction is clicked.

User can search for supplier by using the search box. User can also filter by click on the filter button marked with a red arrow and filling the fields containing the following: 

  • Start Date. 
  • End Date. 
  • Purchase Order Code.

image 1.2 the filter button is marked with a red arrow.

image 1.3 pop-up screen when filter button is clicked.