The supplier master data allows you to view all the registration details of a supplier. To access these master data, you would need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the suppliers module. 
  • From the list of the suppliers as shown below, click the master data link of the supplier you would like to view. It is marked with a red arrow.

image 1.0 master data link is marked with a red arrow.

The master data is sectioned into various tabs, and these are based on the supplier on-boarding data that has been setup. The master data differs from one legal entity to another depending on which entity the supplier belongs to.

The information available is categorised into: 

  • Contact Information. 
  • Legal Information. 
  • Bank Information. 
  • Business Category. 
  • Other Information. 
  • Manage Users.

image 1.1 Pop-up screen upon clicking the Master Data link.