The sourcing module enables the supply chain to strategically solicit proposals from various suppliers and vendors for products or goods that GZI wants to procure. An RFP or RFQ is sent to potential suppliers to submit business proposals. It is introduced early in the procurement cycle, either at the preliminary study (exploratory) or procurement stage. 

In GZI Connect, an RFP or RFQ can be created from a PR. Creating an RFP or an RFQ from a PR eliminates manual work and ties all the processes together. Hence the pre-requisite for creating a sourcing project is a Purchase requisition that has synchronised from SAP without a source of supply.

The Sourcing module has two tabs: 

  • Sourcing Projects. 
  • Purchase Requisition. 

  • SOURCING PROJECT: This tile shows sourcing projects that have been created and their status for tracking where along the process the procurement activity is. The table shows summary information about the activity; RFX number. 
  • Tittle. 
  • PR number. 
  • Departments. 
  • Duration. 
  • Received Quotes. 
  • Invited vendors. 
  • Status. 
  • Action. 

image 1.0 landing screen upon clicking sourcing module.

The following Status can be used to track the sourcing project.

  • Draft               - Sourcing Projects that have not been sent for approval.
  • Pending          - Sourcing Projects that have been created and pending approval.
  • Approved       - Projects that are approved and sent to suppliers for a response.
  • In-selection    - Contracts that are currently being evaluated.
  • Awarded         - Contracts that have been awarded to suppliers.

Optional: Click the filter button to restrict the data based on your selections.

    image 1.1 pop-up screen upon clicking on the filter button 

Click on the 3 dotted lines under the action column to select an action: 

  • View or complete the details of the project. 
  • Extend the due date for the project. This option is only available for projects with an "in selection" status. 

image 1.2 pop-up screen when the action tab is clicked


Note : For projects that are in selection, the sourcing team gets notified each time the project is being accessed. 

The Different Tabs Show the details of the Sourcing Project.

  • Overview - This shows a summary of the information that was brought over from the requisition and materials / services that require sourcing activities.
  • Technical Requirements - This is only required for Request for Proposal (RFP) sourcing strategy, where the vendor is not only required to provide a quote but also provide technical information in relation to the sourcing project.
  • Commercial Requirements - The Items Price and delivery date come in as default in this section, the souring team can decide to restrict this to only price or add additional requirements/ KPI's.
  • Invited Suppliers - This displays all the vendors that have been invited to bid for the item. 

Note: The suppliers are invited based on the material group and vendor classification that has previously been maintained.