To create a sourcing project the user would need to click on the "Sourcing" module. Sourcing projects are generated from purchase requisitions that have been synchronised from the SAP system without a source of supply. To Create a new sourcing project please follow the steps below.

  • Click on the sourcing module. 
  • Click on the purchase requisition tab as shown in the image below. 

image 1.0 landing screen after clicking purchase requisition marked with red arrow as shown on image above, create tile is marked with blue arrow 

Click on Create button marked with a blue arrow above and fill the form.

  • Input Team Lead: This represents the Individual who will be responsible for creating and managing the sourcing project. 
  • Select Tender Team: The tender team represents the members of the tender committee whose role is to oversee and evaluate the selection process and award to the identified supplier. 
  • Describe Sourcing Project: Title of the sourcing project for ease of identification when sent to the suppliers. 
  • Tender Validity In Days (duration): Timeframe within which the project is expected to close and commence evaluation. 
  • Select RFQ - Select the sourcing strategy that is required for the particular project, the strategy determines how the sourcing project is going to be set up. 
  • Select if service charge is applicable 
  • Select if freight charge is applicable 
  • Click Create. 

image 1.1 pop-up screen after clicking create marked with blue arrow.

  • The RFQ created comes up on the sourcing project table as a draft as marked with a red arrow in the image below. 
  • Click on the 3 dotted line marked with a blue arrow to view and continue the sourcing project.

 image 1.2 sourcing project created shows as draft as marked with red arrow, the dotted action action is marked with blue arrow.

Overview Screen: The summary details of the requisition that was referenced to create the sourcing project is displayed on this section, you are expected to provide further details, description, and possibly attach any required documents that need to go to the vendors being considered. 

The overview section displays information like the Project Details, Requisition Details, Additional Information and Tender Team. 

image 1.3 overview screen 

  • Requirements Description: Detailed description of what is required from the project. 
  • In-house Estimate: Estimated value of the project based on internal market research, this is not visible to the suppliers. 
  • Qualifying Percentage: Optional Criteria used to eliminate vendors who have a total score percentage below this mark. 
  • Upload Attachment: Attach Files if there are any additional requirements that cannot be transmitted via the description. 
  • Tender Team: The team leaders of the sourcing project. 

Commercial Requirements: This captures commercial KPIs that will be used to evaluate vendor responses. These responses can be graded automatically or manually (During evaluation). 

  • Select KPI: Predefined KPIs that have been stored and set by GZI Administrators. 

image 1.4 pop-up screen upon clicking select KPI

  • Create KPI: Create other commercial KPIs that will be used to evaluate the vendors. 

image 1.5 pop-up screen upon clicking create KPI

image 1.6 commercial requirements screen

Invite Vendors: This captures the suppliers to be invited to participate in the tender process. 

  • Automatic: System Automatically selects vendors. based on the Business category. 

image 1.7 pop-up screen upon clicking invite vendors

  • Vendor Category: Vendors are selected based on their business category mappings of the item to be purchased

image 1.8 pop-up screen for inviting suppliers based on vendor category

  • Market Research: Vendors are manually searched for and selected. 

image 1.9 pop-up screen for inviting suppliers based on market research

After all the selections have been made, click save to draft marked with the red arrow. 

image 2.0 invited suppliers screen

When the publish button marked with the blue arrow is clicked, the RFQ project will be sent to out to the vendors. The new RFQ starts counting down and is displayed on the Sourcing Project as Approved, it is marked with a red arrow in the image below. 

image 2.1 the approved status is marked with a red arrow

There is an option to extend the duration of a sourcing project as shown in the image below. Sourcing projects that can be extended are the one that the time has elapsed. 

image 2.2