There are 2 types of invoice that are created in this module:

Purchase Order Invoice - Invoices that are tied to a purchase order.

Non-Purchase Order Invoice - Invoices that are not tied to a purchase order.

To generate a Purchase order Invoice simply follow the steps below.

  • Click create invoice with the red arrow

image 1.0 the create invoice tile is marked with a red arrow

  • Click on PO invoice
  • Select PO number using dropdown 
  • Input supplier invoice number 
  • Select date 
  • Input payment terms 
  • Click create.  

image 1.1 pop-up screen upon clicking create invoice 

  • The invoice will show up as draft on the invoice landing screen (marked with a red arrow in image 1.2).  
  • Click in the drafted invoice.

image 1.2 drafted invoice is marked with a red arrow 

  • Add line item, marked with a blue arrow. 
  • Upload physical invoice by clicking on browse, marked with a red arrow. 
  • Save as draft after all the inputs, marked with a green arrow.  
  • Then click Confirm. The confirm button activates after draft is saved. 

image 1.3 invoice detail screen

To generate a Non-Purchase order Invoice simply follow the steps below.

  • Select Non P.O invoice.
  • Input the Contract reference.
  • Select currency.
  • Select Vendor. 
  • Input Supplier invoice number.
  • Input due date.
  • Select payment terms using dropdown.
  • Input tax amount. 
  • Click create.  

image 1.4 popup screen after clicking create invoice, PO invoice is marked with red arrow.