The user management is a module with two different tabs; Users tab and the Roles tab. 

On the Users tab, there are: 

  • 2 tiles: number of users and create user. 
  • A search box. 
  • A User log table showing: first name, last name, phone number, email, status, role and actions. 

Upon clicking the User Management module, User tab is the first landing to access, all users created can be viewed on the landing screen.

image 1.1: landing screen of the user management module. 

On the the Roles tab, there are: 

  • 2 tiles: number of roles and create role. 
  • A search box. 
  • A Role log table showing: role name, number of users and actions. 

image 1.2: roles screen. 

There are 3 dots on the action column, when clicked on it brings out options to perform the following actions: 

  • View. 
  • Deactivate. 
  • Edit. 
  • Delete. 

image 1.3: red arrow pointing to the action tab.

image 1.4: Pop-up screen upon clicking the Action tab is indicated with a red annotation.

image 1.5: popup screen after clicking the view tile.

image 1.6: popup screen upon clicking edit user.