The first step to view purchase order is the click on it on the report landing page. It is marked with a red arrow below.

Upon selecting purchase order report, user is redirected to a screen with the following information: 

  • A filter box showing: Duration, Legal entity, Location, Department and Material category. 
  • 3 tiles showing total spend, total department used and total items purchased. 
  • A chart displaying the information gathered from the 5 departments used. 
  • A table showing all the departments captured in the purchase order report: Department code, Department description, Total items, Total orders and Total Value.

image 1.0 landing screen upon clicking purchase order.

User can view individual vendor report by clicking on any of the line item on the table annotated above. 


When a line item is clicked, user redirected to a screen that provides details about all the vendors that participated in the procurement. In addition to the filter box and tiles, the page contains the following: 

  • A bar chart displaying the information gathered from the vendors involved. 
  • A table showing: Vendor code, Vendor description, Total orders a vendor have carried out and Total value.  

When a line item is clicked on, the user is redirected to the purchase order module, where the details about the PO is displayed. 


image 1.1 screen after a line item from image 1.0 is clicked.

image 1.2 screen after clicking a line item (as marked with red arrow from image 1.1).