Once the Invoice is created from the GZI Connect Portal, it automatically goes to different parties for approval.


NB: Only Invoices that have been approved and hence posted in SAP will show up on the Posted Invoice Queue.

  • Draft - This status indicates that a purchase order has been created but yet to be sent for approval.
  • Pending - This status indicates that a purchase order has been created and confirmed and is pending approval.
  • Approved - This status indicates that the purchase order has been approved by the responsible party/parties. 
  • Out for delivery - This indicates that the supplier has initiated/commenced the delivery of the items in the PO. 
  • Delivered - The status indicates that an item or service has been delivered completely.
  • Partially Delivered - This Indicates that an item or service has been delivered partially.

image 1.0 landing page for posted Invoices  (annotated with red is the posted invoice tile)