The proposal queue is populated when an executed payment run is sent for approval from the payment run transaction on the portal.

Payment runs are created in SAP and automatically flow into the GZI Connect, Payment Run screen.

  • Pending - This status indicates that a payment run has been created, sent for approval, and is pending approval.
  • Approved - This status indicates that the payment run has been approved by the responsible party/parties.
  • Rejected - This indicates that the Payment proposal was rejected.

NB: Once a payment proposal run has been rejected, a new payment proposal needs to be created with the requested amendments in SAP and sent for approval again.

image 1.0: landing screen of the proposal queue.


Run ID: This represents the SAP run ID. 

Run Date: This represents the SAP run Date. 

Company: This represents the Paying Entity.

Number of vendors: represents the total number of vendors to be paid in that payment Run.

Amount: Total Amount to be paid.

When you click on the proposal queue you are interested in, the system displays a detailed breakdown per vendor for all the items that have been sent for approval.

image 1.1: proposal queue details page.