To Create single sourcing project user need to use the following steps; 

1. Click on sourcing module.     image 1.0 landing screen after clicking sourcing                                                                                                                            

2. Select Purchase requisition tile. 

3. Click create tile on the preferred vendor source (as shown in image 1.1 below).     

   image 1.1 landing screen after clicking purchase requisition tile marked with red arrow as shown in image above, create tile is marked with the blue arrow.    

image 1.2 Popup screen after clicking create on an individual vendor 

4. Select team lead using dropdown.

5. Select tender team using dropdown. 

6. Describe sourcing project using the comment box.

7. Input tender validity in days. 

8. Select Single sourcing using checkbox. 

9. Select vendor using dropdown. 

10. Click create Details.