This detailed screen shows user total number of suppliers. It contains a table showing: 

  • Supplier ID. 
  • Supplier. 
  • Company. 
  • Rating. 
  • Number of delivery.

User can view all individual supplier ratings based on their performance. 

image 1.0 landing screen when supplier rating module is clicked

When a line is clicked, it takes the user to a screen where the supplier can be rated. The screen contains: 2 tiles, a search box and a table. 

The tiles are: 

  • Goods Receipts. 
  • Rate. 

The table shows the following details: 

  • Date. 
  • Goods Received ID. 
  • Timeliness Rating. 
  • Delivery Rating. 
  • Quality Rating. 
  • Actions. 

image 1.1 landing screen when an individual supplier is clicked 

How To Create Rating 

  • Click on Rate. It is marked with a red arrow in the image above. 
  • Click on the Goods Receipts drop down box and select the particular GR to be rated. 
  • Add comment. 
  • Click create. 

image 1.2 pop-up screen when Rate is clicked. 

To edit the rating, click on the 3 dotted lines under the Action column. It is marked with a red arrow below. 

image 1.3 annotated is pop-screen after clicking the dotted Action button.