image 1.0 an arrow showing a line item to be clicked

Suppliers can be rated based on this following three categories:

  • Timeliness rating: This signifies a vendor's delivery speed of product and services on or before the given deadline. 
  • Delivery rating: This shows the competency and reliance on a supplier to deliver product and services demanded for. 
  • Quality rating: This rating is based on the level of quality of product or service a supplier brings onboard based on demand.

image 1.1 landing screen when a supplier line item is clicked

How To Rate 

  • Click on a line item (as shown marked with a red arrow in image 1.0).
  • Click on Rate (It is marked with a red arrow in image 1.1). 
  • Click on the Goods Receipts drop down box and select the particular GR to be rated. 
  • Add comment 
  • Click create 

image 1.2 pop-up screen when Rate is clicked 

To edit the rating, click on the 3 dotted lines under the Action column. It is marked with a red arrow below.

image 1.3 pop-screen of the Action button.