To create a purchase requisition, please, follow the steps below: 


  1. Users will login to the SAP system and generate a purchase requisition with the transaction ME51N.
  2. Save the requisition and it will automatically go to approval in the SAP system. 
  3. Once Approved, If the requisition does not have a source of supply in SAP, It will automatically SYNC to the Portal with. 

  4. A requisition Notification with specific details will be sent to all members of the Procurement Team Members within that Company Code.

  5. The requisition will SYNC into the Portal with a status APPROVED. 

Purchase Requisition Status:

The requisition has various Status that lets you know where the requisition is and if it has been completed or successfully turned into a purchase contract or Order.

 All the actions with Purchase Requisitions could be tracked by statuses.


The Purchase Requisition has the following statuses:

  1. Draft: Purchase Request was created but not submitted yet. The initiator is still working on it.
  2. Pending: the document was submitted and is waiting for approval from the authorised user. 
  3. Approved: the requisition SYNCED from SAP or all responsible users have approved the Purchase Requisition.
  4. Completed: there is a completed Purchase Order/Orders for all requested items.
  5. Rejected: the document or all items were rejected at the PR approval stage or Purchase Order creation stage. 

The Requisition line urgency is described with different icons:

  1. When it is not urgent, the icon is blue. It means that the delivery date is in more than 5 days. 
  2. When it is over due, the icon is red. It means that it is at least one day past the delivery date. 
  3. When it is urgent. It means that the delivery date in less than 5 days.
  4. When it is green, it means that the requisition has been processed. 

image 2.2 log table showing requisition list.