Purchase Requisitions

How to Manage Requisitions in GZI Connect

How to Track a Purchase Requisition From SAP
To create a purchase requisition, please, follow the steps below:    Users will login to the SAP system and generate a purchase requisition with the tran...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 11:16 AM
On the Requisition Module, there are 2 tiles:  Requisitions: This is the number of Requisitions.  Pending Approval: This is the number of Requisition tha...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 11:16 AM
Requisition Dashboard
User can view all purchase order that is been requested for through the requisition module. Through this modelled screen user can view requisition statistic...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 11:16 AM