User can view all purchase order that is been requested for through the requisition module. Through this modelled screen user can view requisition statistics and pending approval requisition.

With this screen, user can also view individual requisition either by using search box or filter and  as well download requisition list with just a click.  It is marked with a red arrow bellow (image 1.0).

image 1.0 popup screen upon clicking requisition module 

How to Search for Requisition.

There are two ways User can make a quick search for requisition, either by using the search box or search by filter or scroll using pagination. 

  • Using the search box: user will have to input the requisition number in the search box marked with red arrow in image below. 
  • Search by filter: through the filter search, user can filter search by inputing date, requisition status, end date, urgency status, department, location, user can use any of these options to search.

image 1.1 search by filter is marked with blue arrow while the search box is marked with the red arrow. 

image 1.2 pop up screen after clicking the the search filter. 

image 1.3 user can scroll the requisition list using the pagination as marked with red arrow. 

image 1.4 popup screen after clicking and individual requisition